Orange County Personal Trainer Monday Motivation


Welcome to Sako’s blog, where all the coolest people come to get health and fitness tips with some an occasional joke or motivational video.

If you’ve been going to our boot cams in Orange County, then you know this last week has been intense! We had a huge rush from Groupon members and really look forward to adding them to our family and keeping them on board with us.

So..are you doing what you love? Are you living your dream? Are you excited to start each day? I am definitely doing what I love, absolutely living my dream and I get up before my alarm almost every day (and I get up pretty early) not just because I have to train clients but to get one step closer to my dream. I wake up every morning for a purpose, not to just go through motions. I am very blessed to be living my dream and fortunate so far in life. I hope the same goes for you.

Check out the video below. Also if it’s your first time on this blog. Welcome 🙂 thanks for following us!


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