My goal is eliminate every excuse anyone can ever come up with. The one we hear most is…”I don’t have enough time.”
Give me 15-20 minutes and I promise this workout will torch every muscle in your body and still leave you with plenty of time to get ready before you go out for happy hour.
Here it is:
-Warm up about 5 minutes on the treadmill
-Make sure you have all your stations set up so you can go through as fast as possible.
-Perform every exercise back to back without break until they are all complete then perform the 2nd set.
-Squats-35 reps (body weight if you don’t have weights)
-Pushups-50 reps (girl pushups if you can’t do regular pushups)
-Barbell row-35 reps
-Box jumps-50 reps
-Bicycle crunches-100 reps
-Overhead barbell press-25
-Lunges-25 each side
-Leg raises-25 reps
Complete every set without rest then take 2-3 minutes and repeat.
I’d love to see your total time for each set. Feel free to leave a comment below with your time. Keep an eye out for more workouts similar to this one. If you are part of our personal training in Orange County, I would love to see your numbers as well.
Also if you want in even more intense workout which will burn up to 1000 calories in one hour!! Check out our Orange County Boot Camps