Orange County Personal Training Client Shares What Motivates Her


Hey there, welcome back to my blog. Monday is here and another boost a motivation is on the way.

This post is actually from one of my clients, I asked her to share with us what motivates her and what drives her. Her name is Liz and she has been through quite a bit throughout her life and had several chances to quit or give up but didn’t! She’s AMAZING!

Liz actually motivates me, inspires me and makes me want to be better each and every day and to always work hard no matter what. Well don’t take it from me, check out what motivates her below. Below is our all star client Liz and I at one of our No Limit celebrations.

Here is Liz, and what motivates her.

My motivation comes from many sources…

GOD – He is the glue that has kept me together through everything difficult that has happened in my life. He has also been there for every accomplishment, success, and joy I have experienced.

My family – who not only encourage me to persevere, but meet me head-on about what things are difficult for me to confront and convince me to carry on.

My friends – they are so supportive and don’t let me slack when I feel like giving ufriendship pictures quotes. friends quotes posterp. A good friend can be there in times when family isn’t either available or conducive with the situation at hand.

My trainer – who has an uncanny ability to continue to smile and encourage no matter how difficult the client or situation. He always gives me confidence that I can do anything and yet challenges me when he believes I can do more. He is an amazing person and helps me through so many very trying times. Everyone has to grow at their own pace.

My mother had an old Irish saying: “You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.” Continue to strive for the best you can be!

Health – I have a long history of Irish/Italian heritage that has given me a strong sense of determination. At times in my life I have drifted away from that but I always seem to find my way back. My parents were strong people who lived through and served in World War II and the Great Depression; however, they always had the ability to appreciate everything they were given in life and deal with the only things they actually had.

I am a nurturer, someone who wants to give to others, but in order to give to others we have to be in good health ourselves.

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

I cared for my parents when they were in their last years on earth and they taught me more lessons than I could imagine. I also take care of my permanently disabled sister, who only has one lung with chronic asthma and COPD, along with congestive heart failure. She is on more medications than I can list and continues to have a positive outlook on life.

I have seen people lose their lives from disease and I can only say that your health is more important than almost anything, I think my health is the most important tangible attribute I have here on earth and I am determined to make every effort to make the best of what I have. Without my health I will not be here to see my sons graduate from college, marry, have children. I wouldn’t see my grandchildren and be able to experience all the joy of being a grandparent.

This is what motivates me to endeavor; to struggle through my workout; to undertake more than I think I am able to do; to strive to make that last rep when I could have stopped…your health and your body is only temporary and so are our lives. We need to push ourselves past what we think we are able to do and accomplish the best that we are able to.

“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow is disease. “ ~ Terri Guillemets

NoLimit BeforeAfterPhoto Liz 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Summer

I told you she was amazing! If you want to share with us what motivates you feel free to email me at I would LOVE to hear your story.

Also summer is almost here and we want you to get a kickstart to your summer by hopping onboard our 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program. If you’re interested click here—>21 DAY RAPID FAT LOSS PROGRAM<— This offer is only good until June 30th and limited spaces available!

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