Depressed and Struggling To Now Thriving, Strong and Healthy!


My name is Jennifer. I’ve been coming to No Limit for probably about 2 years. I’ve always been very active starting in high school and I’ve just kept it up. I dabbled in running, yoga, pilates, and a lot of other types of exercise. I noticed about 5 years ago menopause is a real thing and I started gaining weight around the middle and my upper half and I couldn’t get it off.

I started running a lot and then I got a hip and back problem, I don’t know what it was but I was in pain daily like getting out of bed and hurting and it came back degenerative bone disease and the doctor pretty much looked at me and said, sorry, it’s age, you gotta live with this and I went home and I got depressed and I kept struggling and I was in pain and I thought no, this can’t be my life, people walk around all the time without pain, this cannot be right, this doctor’s full of it and I’ve always been interested in weights and I watched the boot camps on videos and all the advertisements and I thought, well, God, I’m in pain, I wonder what weight’s gonna do to my pain but let’s go try this out. Somebody invited me, a friend of mine who was a coach here and I tried it out for two weeks and it changed my life as I kept going. My hip pain was going away, my migraines were diminishing completely.

Some people wanna do it for their outside appearance. I was doing it for my inside appearance. The outside granted that’s a plus. Believe me, if I can put on a bathing suit at 56 years old, I am stoked but inside, I’m not in pain. I can get out of bed and go, whoa, I feel good! I have energy because age creeps up on you faster than you know, like you wake up and go, oh my God, I aged 10 years overnight. That’s what happened to me. I got up and I was miserable. Now, I feel good. I’m here for my kids, I’m here for my husband and future grandbabies. I can’t wait till that happens and I guess you could say that’s my why.

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