From Feeling Ugly and Weak to Strong, Healthy and Dedicated


My name is Misty and I’ve been with No Limit for 4 years. Nutrition was my biggest struggle and it actually didn’t even dawn on me until I had been here for about 3 years that I had been working out, I was getting stronger, but not a whole lot was changing with my weight.

I felt gross. I felt ugly. I felt weak. And that’s one of the things that I love about myself now is that I feel strong.

So coming to No Limit I learned through a nutrition class that they taught last summer how to make better choices with my food without dieting and starving myself. And that was the biggest thing for me. I’m healthy, I’m strong, I’m motivated. I get up 5 days a week and I hit the gym. And it makes me feel good about myself.

It makes me feel good to get up and start my day early, getting it over with before my kids wake up and I’m done. And I’ve done something for me. My experience working with No Limit has been amazing. I’ve met people I would’ve never met before. I’ve had support from people that I would never dream of. I mean, who goes to a gym and thinks that people are really gonna care about you? And you get that here. You get that here.

When I look at myself in the mirror I see someone who is strong dedicated and healthy, and someone who cares about herself. My why is me. I just wanted to feel better for myself. I have three kids and I want them to see that it’s okay to take care of you too.

Check out more inspiring stories here–> SUCCESS STORIES

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