Sometimes you may not recognize the changes that your body has made if you are working out consistently. It’s not until you haven’t done something for a while and then realize how much easier it is now that you’re stronger.
For us, we take annual ski trips with our family. Typically, by the end of the day we’re exhausted and need a day off in between ski days. However, this year there was a difference! We skied three days in a row from the beginning of the day until the end of the day without any trouble. Of course, my legs would burn trying to keep up with Ricky, but I could easily push through it; of course, we would get out of breath in the altitude but our recovery was quick; of course, my arms would get tired carrying Lily and my skis on the trek to the slopes… but Lily would say “mom just think of this as your exercise for the day!”
What a difference working out makes! Happy, healthy and active as a family! What a great way to live your life! A BIG thank you to No Limit Personal Training and Bri!