No Limit Personal Training client Jasmine has been working with No Limit trainer Mark Garcia for several months now and is on the road to getting the body she deserves. She battles it out in the gym night in and night out and nothing will stop her from getting to her goal.
After trying every single diet program from weight watchers, jenny craig, lindora or anything you can think of she’s tried and in the end none kept the weight off. Jasmine has made exercise and healthy eating a part of her lifestyle and consistency, hard work and desire is what’s going to get her to her goal.
Next time you want to say.. I cant lose that much weight, it’s impossible, my metabolism sucks, It’s too late for me to lose weight, I’m not meant to be thin…. or any other lame excuse you want to come up with, just watch this video of Jasmine. She is going against all odds and against everyone that thinks it’s impossible and say she needs some stupid lap band or surgery to get the body she wants. She WILL get to her goal with nutrition and exercise and it will be because she believed in herself and worked her butt off…and she’s working with No Limit Personal Training đ
Check out more success stories at Orange Personal Training or Orange County Boot Camps…Don’t you want to be next?
Please feel free to leave a comment below, I would love your feedback and I’m sure she would love the feedback and support as well on her road to her dream body.