Cleansing can aide in weight loss, flattening of the waistline, lose that gut and relief from health problems like skin ailments, bloating, constipation, low energy levels and even allergies. Cleansing can provide results within a few weeks and in some cases a few days, and should be the first step in any weight loss or health related program. Though it has been around for decades, in recent years cleansing has become very popular amongst celebrities and now even the general public. But many people still do not understand WHY cleansing is so important. This article will help to understand the benefits of cleansing and how it works.
Every day we ingest preservatives and other toxic chemicals. Whether you realize it or not, many of the foods, liquids and even the air contains harmful chemicals that enter our system. In these days, there is really no way to control the consumption of these chemicals. Many processed foods, chemically sweetened drinks, and even pesticide ridden fruits and vegetables are part of an everyday diet. These chemicals can provide a lot of harm to the body, and we may not even realize it! The body is not designed to digest these chemicals, and for that reason it simply will not. This may lead to a buildup of toxins within the digestive tract, and more specifically the lining of the intestines. Shockingly, the average person may have between 4 and 25 pounds of built up toxins within their colon. As bad as that may already sound, it is important to further understand that most digestion and absorption of food and supplements occurs within the intestinal tract. The buildup of these toxins may lead to constipation and a slower metabolism. Furthermore, these toxins can be reabsorbed into the blood stream leading to many health problems, and may also lead to allergic reactions, skin problems (including acne), fatigue, and a weakened immune system. This toxic build-up can also become home to bacteria and germs.
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