Boot Camp: From Basic Training to Weight Loss

  Boot camps have become increasingly popular as more and more people are joining their local programs to maximize training results. You can find them everywhere from gyms to parks, and they will look very similar to an actual army drill routine. But what if you are...

10 Amazing foods for your body

   The following 10 foods have such amazing positive effects on the body. Salmon: This fish makes the grade because it’s loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is also a great source of protein.Walnuts: Another great source of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber.Tea: Tea...

Eat for Your Body type

Learning how to tailor your diet to fit your body type is a very powerful way to ignite your progress. To begin, take a look at the somatotype descriptions to figure out where you fit. Ecotmorph-This is the typical, skinny hard gainer. If he happens to gain body fat,...